Osteoporosis/Osteopenia and Strong Bones and Balance Class
(Tues 4.55pm)
How often do you think about the density or thickness of your bones? Did you realise that there is SO MUCH you can do to influence their density?
1 in 2 women and 1 in 5 men over 50 will suffer an Osteoporotic related fracture, and contrary to popular belief it affects many younger people too. It’s a silent disease only diagnosed with a DEXA bone scan, so without this there’s no way of knowing. The thickness of your bones will progressively decline from approx mid 30’s and you need to take action in relatively young age to achieve the optimal outcome when you’re older. The younger you start, the better the potential outcome.
Other factors can be detrimental to bone density too, e.g. certain medications such as Breast Cancer hormone treatment, Steroids and Steroid inhalers, Thyroid hormones, Anticoagulants etc. Also Menopause is a time where a large percentage of bone density is lost, also lifestyle factors, as well as genetics.
Our Strong Bones & Balance class is designed with this in mind. It is for people who would like to be pro-active about building more bone density, and also safe for those with an existing diagnosis. This is a subject area that not many people are educated about, so come along and have fun increasing your bone density through exercise, and learn more about how to help yourself.
1 in 2 women and 1 in 5 men over 50 will suffer an Osteoporotic related fracture, and contrary to popular belief it affects many younger people too. It’s a silent disease only diagnosed with a DEXA bone scan, so without this there’s no way of knowing. The thickness of your bones will progressively decline from approx mid 30’s and you need to take action in relatively young age to achieve the optimal outcome when you’re older. The younger you start, the better the potential outcome.
Other factors can be detrimental to bone density too, e.g. certain medications such as Breast Cancer hormone treatment, Steroids and Steroid inhalers, Thyroid hormones, Anticoagulants etc. Also Menopause is a time where a large percentage of bone density is lost, also lifestyle factors, as well as genetics.
Our Strong Bones & Balance class is designed with this in mind. It is for people who would like to be pro-active about building more bone density, and also safe for those with an existing diagnosis. This is a subject area that not many people are educated about, so come along and have fun increasing your bone density through exercise, and learn more about how to help yourself.